The Entrepreneur’s Work From Home Guide to Self-Care

February 23, 2021

Setting work boundaries has always been a difficult task for many entrepreneurs and professionals. We work long hours to get tasks done, showing up early (and often staying up late) to build brands, services, and products we believe in with our whole being.

While working at home, it can be difficult to find that precious work-life balance we hear so much about. Our boundaries are thin—after all, even if we work late, there’s no commute home.

However, we must not forget to be gentle with ourselves. This is an unprecedented time in our lives. As we continue to stay home to protect others in our community, we’re bombarded by news coverage, work emails, and for many, ensuring the wellbeing and education of our children.

So how can we take care of ourselves when working from home?

  1. Set firm boundaries
  2. Declutter your space
  3. Get ready everyday—if not for anyone but yourself
  4. Find a workout that complements your needs
  5. Get outside
  6. Discover yourself
  7. Get creative
  8. Learn something new
  9. Celebrate milestones
  10. Build your brand

Self-Care While Working from Home

The constant congregation of our many responsibilities of life all under one roof can be loud—and draining.

But life moves forward, as do we, constantly pivoting, striving, learning, and reaching to be our most fulfilled selves, regardless of the situations we find ourselves in.

As entrepreneurs, we can take advantage of this time to sharpen our aim on the goals we truly want to achieve while caring for ourselves, our loved ones, and our communities.

Our number one recommendation? Investing time in self-care.

Having worked for ourselves for years before the pandemic, our team has compiled a few ways to help you find balance—and joy—during this period and beyond.

1. Set firm boundaries.

When you work from home, it’s very easy for early mornings spent immersed in work to turn into working through into the evenings and nights; before you know it, the laundry has piled up and you haven’t cooked a real meal in a few days.

Work is everywhere, all the time. It’s important to carve out time for family and friends—and yourself. It’s important to know when to rest. Try setting firm work hours for yourself so that you know when it’s time to ‘turn off’ for the day.

If work-related anxiety has you looking at your inbox all evening long, try removing the app from your phone and writing a to-do list at the end of your workday so that you’ll know exactly what’s on your plate for the following day.

2. Declutter your space.

If possible, set certain spaces in your home as work-only areas (if not just to rid of those late night in-bed work sessions).

Not only does this help train your brain to be ‘on’ or ‘off’ depending on the room you’re in, but it can help you rest easier at night, especially when your workstation is far away from bed.

Ever heard the quote, “Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful?” Visually, decluttering and beautifying your space can be a great way to create a space that encourages you to focus and operate at perform at your best.

3. Get ready every day—if not for anyone but yourself.

Sure, we’re home every day, whether alone or with our loved ones. When we’re not going into our office, storefront, or studio, it’s easy to roll out of bed, pour a quick coffee, and get to work—maybe not even putting on ‘real’ clothes until much later in the day.

Why not take some time to show up as your best self every day? Getting ready in a way that makes you feel as though you’re ready to take on the day may just be the difference between a ‘blah’ workday and a beautiful one.

That said, chic, cozy loungewear is always a good idea.

4. Find a workout that compliments your needs.

We don’t need to reiterate the importance of movement. But if you find yourself putting off the 30-minute treadmill sessions you always tell yourself you’ll do, it might be time to rethink how you move your body.

Do you need something high intensity, or do you find the most joy when you’re moving through a slow yoga flow? With so much instant access to some of the best trainers in the world available from the comfort of our own home, take time to find a class you enjoy and keep your body moving.

5. Get outside.

Nature is the best way to connect with the outside world when most of your time is spent in isolation, even during the long days of winter. If possible where you are and in your specific situation, try to get out for a walk every day, even if it’s just around the block, or to the convenience store for some milk and chocolate.

Investing in high-quality outerwear is the best way to ensure that you’ll be able to trek outside on the coldest of days; with the fresh air comes fresh perspective.

6. Discover yourself.

Who are you when you’re alone?

A lack of external stimulus and social time spent at dinners, restaurants, and parties with friends and family can be tough on mental wellbeing. That being said, when is the last time that you lacked these social responsibilities and had the time to really look inward?

By taking time to just be with yourself—to work on yourself through movement, meditation, or creativity—you can improve your mindset and build resilience.

7. Get creative.

Part of discovering yourself is exploring your creativity outside of work. When was the last time you let yourself create something for the fun of it?

So often, we let our work be our only creative outlet. If you’re stuck on what type of creative activities speak to you the most, think about what you loved to do as a kid.Were you an avid drawer, or were you drawn to the long library aisles where you could get lost in stories for hours?

This week, try making something for the sake of making it—regardless of whether you think it’s traditionally ‘good.’ You might be surprised at what you can create when you let your mind wander.

Maybe even write a new blog post or two!

8. Learn something new.

Speaking of creativity, investing time in learning something new forces your brain to work in new ways, creating new pathways and discovering ones that may have been dormant since childhood.

There are countless websites and resources that can help you learn new skills and develop new hobbies, such as YouTube, Skillshare, and Masterclass, to name a few.

9. Celebrate milestones.

Of course, holidays like birthdays, Christmas, and Thanksgiving were not the same in 2020. But that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t take time to celebrate these events in new, fun ways.

Treat yourself by preparing a delicate, immersive meal that reminds you of your favourite travel destination, or by ordering takeout from the burger place you’ve been meaning to try.

Take the time to celebrate (even work-related wins!) and take joy in the little moments.

10. Build your brand.

Many industries and businesses have been hit really hard by the swift changes brought on by the pandemic. That said, for many, there are opportunities to innovate or transform your brand. 

For entrepreneurs and professionals, the time at home is a perfect period to take stock of your business; where you’re at, and where you want to go. If things are going well, how can they be better? If they’re not going well, what options do you have to take a different approach?